Almost all German Television station events, i.e. RTL, SAT.1, WDR, ZDF, Premiere, Pro.7, VOX, WWF, MDR, etc.

Film Production Companies such as CreaTV, Colon Film, Endemol, JE Entertainment.

German language magazines from Yellow to specialised press, from The renowned Bravo teenie magazine through to Focus, Stern, Spiegel, National Geographic, Ecos, W+V, Echo der Frau, Neue Welt, Spielfim, Max, Die Woche, Bild am Sonntag and all prominent magazines as well as many others that might not fit in here.

Newspapers: Bild, Express, TZ, BZ, Berliner Tagesspiegel (Daily Mirror), Frankfurter Rundschau, Leipziger Volkzeitung and many more.

Book Publishers: Heyne, Goldmann, Econ, Harenberg, vgs, Bachern, just a few to mention.

Record Companies: EMI, Sony, Koch, Metronome, WEA and so forth.

PR-and AD Agents; other Photograph users.

A small choice of photos in WWW

Aside of the many photographs in the pages of the "Tomorrow internet AG" with the magazines "MAX", "TV Spielfilm", "FIT FOR FUN", "Tomorrow" etc.

You will also find my works on the website of "Focus", "BZ", "stern", "spiegel" and other magazines/newspapers as well as the following pages:

The Link list modifies from time to time.

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